Soul box nier automata walkthrough
Soul box nier automata walkthrough

soul box nier automata walkthrough

I'm aware that my writing isn't perfect, and if you have a note that can improve my skills, I'd be more than happy to hear it, as long as it's respectful. As for myself, I will accept developing critiques. If you have a problem with a specific person I interact with, simply blacklisting their url will do the job. Please don't involve me in your own personal drama - Don't badmouth someone in front of me no matter how irked or annoyed you are with them. As said, making vague posts about me or even my friends will not be taken lightly and most-likely will trigger a block. Please do not use them without my permission :) so please, by all means, duplicates are very much welcome! ♥Īll Icons are cropped and edited by me. i also love interacting with them and bending canons to find a way for them to meet. i love seeing how other people interpert the same muse i do, and adore every single one of them. This doesn't mean I won't interact with other people with same character, but it would mean they will take priority in this blog 'main' verse. This blog will practice mains, up to 2 of the same character. However, I hold the right to close Nines for a single-ship if I wish to. Otherwise, I'd like my muse to build-up their lives on his own accord. If you wish for a pre-established relationship, don't hesitate to IM me.

Soul box nier automata walkthrough free#

I want to be as free and natural with is as possible. Don't force your ships upon my or my muse, even if it's 'canon'.

soul box nier automata walkthrough

Shipping is exclusively based on chemistry. My opinions doesn't always see eye-to-eye with my 9s's.

soul box nier automata walkthrough

Blogs that will do so will be unfollowed and blocked. I will not be role-playing nsfw themses with an underaged person - Don't lie about your age. I'd most likely will reach out to you if I spot these kind of things, but if such things continue afterwards, I'd probably drop said thread or unfollow you. Unless it's something pre-discussed with me personally, any actions forced upon my characters will be ignored. As stated, I am of age, and have no known triggers at this point. Please be considerate and don't press me do things. My personal life tend to be awfully overwhelming at times, and it can effect my online-activity too. In addition, keep in mind that my time-zone is different from most of the role-play community of Tumblr, and while I enjoy this hobby a lot, my availability can lack here and there. As such, there will be days where my activity will be low to a zero. My name is Dafi, 26 years old, Uni student for Japanese Culture from Israel (GMT+2:00/GMT+3:00). Don't take it too personally if I don't follow you back - It's mostly due to my preferences, and not because I hold anything against you. Please don't unfollow and re-follow me in order to get my attention, or reblog my threads that doesn't concern you. I wish to know whom am I going to interact with, and therefore would like to approach a person with as much known information beforehead. I most likely won't follow you back if your blog lacks a rules page and a bio page of said muse. If you identify your blog as a role-play blog, but most of your posts doesn't concern role-playing, I won't follow you back. My main goal is to keep my dash as clean and straight-forward as possible. I have the right to decide whether I want to follow you back or not.

soul box nier automata walkthrough

Blogs that will vaguely post things about me instead of approaching me to talk it out will be blocked. If you have anything bothering you that you'd like to bring up, my Messaging feature is always available for you. I will understand if it's not your cup of tea. Due to the nature the character and it's respective game, some themes presented in this blog might be found as disturbing or unsettling Tags for general known triggers will be made, but follow me at your own risk. This is a Semi-Selective roleplay blog for YoRHa Scanner unit no.

Soul box nier automata walkthrough